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  • Writer's pictureSohrab Hamza

iPhone 6s: Handy and built like a tank

Updated: Jun 6, 2020

To be honest, I would have never used this phone if my primary Android Phone hadn't died. I absolutely loved the OnePlus 3 that I used before but unfortunately its screen broke and the replacement screen turned out to be faulty just as the warranty period ended, I was never the Apple guy, in fact I was the opposite. I hated Apple with their overpriced phones and locked down OSes. Though I still don't like the company, I can at least appreciate whats good about them. This is the iPhone 6s review in 2020.



This is where Apple truly shines. I feel like the iPhone 6s body is the best that apple has ever made. Everything about the body of the phone feels deliberate from the placement of the buttons to their feel. The phone feels very good in the hand overall. Its very light but feels solid. I feel that I could throw it really hard and it still wouldn't break. The home button stopped functioning after 4.5 years of use and the replacement (third party) doesn't work with touch id (bummer).


This is pretty much the only thing (hardware wise) that I don't like about this phone. The screen is too small and the resolution is crappy. I don't get why they didn't use a 1080p screen on a premium smartphone.


The camera gets the job done. It probably would have been a really good camera system back when it was released and I was surprised how well it has stood the test of time. The pictures are sharp and most detail is preserved. But I would say that the best thing about the camera system is the color accuracy. I really like how the colors are exactly what they were in real life. Its not like OnePlus or Samsung who like to over-saturate their images.

Low light performance is pretty bad, as expected, but its still not very bad. It does get grainy but you can make out stuff.

The camera system is really good for people who just want a photo that they can use. I used the phone on a trip and its wonderful for capturing the moment. Just point and click, simple.

Here are some samples.

Note: The camera glass is very fragile and I have a small crack/scratch on it,



Low Light


All I want to say, pretty good, everything works smoothly, multitasking is great but if you're a gamer, then its not for you.


Here is my biggest problem with the phone. I absolutely hate iOS and unless the whole OS is reworked completely, I will continue to hate it, Here are my biggest gripes.

1) Complete and utter lack of customization.

I hate how I have only a block of apps to work with on the home screen. Even moving the apps around is a chore and reinforces the idea that it was not meant to be customized. I can't change around colors, folders are boring and the lockscreen looks as boring as a bottle of water.

2) How I have to work hard to do even the simplest of tasks,

Every setting is behind half a dozen menus. Installing tools is extremely hard because Apple doesn't allow you to have good things, I've had to find so many hacky ways to get useful apps on to my phone that its just frustrating.

and 3) How broken the OS can sometimes be.

The amount of bugs that I've ran into are pretty much uncountable.


The iPhone 6s is a pretty good phone to use if all you want is to pick it up, call a few people, send a few messages and take a few pictures. If you want to do anything other that that, I would rather pick up another phone. I am pretty much stuck with this phone for the foreseeable future. I guess I'll have to make the most of it.

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